Catch The Moment: Week 1

We did this project last year, Catch the moment 365….and failed. I made it to week 12 and life had me too overwhelmed to take the time to do this. This year I promised myself that I’d actually finish this project at the side project I am also working on (365feministselfie, which is more about communicating with like minded people all around)

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This week was a lot of sass from my two sons.

Also, a little disorganised being this beginning of the new year was a lot more hectic than usual. Family visiting and the works. Not to mention both boys being super sick! My oldest Autism had also gotten the worse of him this week, he’s trying really hard and I can tell but moments he just drops and screams his poor eyes out. Today was also the last day of his OT through early intervention. Soon it’s the beginning of ABA, OT and ST through another Developmental Pediatricians recommendations. Kind of nervous, kind of excited to see what kind of results will come from this.

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